A Mini Review of Natural Cellulosic Fibers
Extraction, Treatment and Characterization Methods
Natural fibers, Extraction methods, Surface modification, Characterization techniques, Sustainable materialsAbstract
Natural cellulosic fibers have garnered significant attention in recent years due to their potential as eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives to synthetic materials in various industries, such as composite reinforcement, textiles, and packaging. The successful utilization of these fibers depends on understanding their properties, which can be achieved through comprehensive characterization methods. This mini-review discusses the extraction, treatment, and characterization of natural cellulosic fibers, focusing on the latest advancements in these areas. The extraction methods of natural cellulosic fibers, including chemical, physical, and biological processes, are discussed. The choice of extraction method impacts the fiber’s morphology, crystallinity, and purity, which ultimately affects its performance in different applications. Surface modification methods, including chemical treatments like treatment, acetylation, silane treatment, grafting, bleaching, and physical treatments such as corona treatment, plasma treatment, and UV/ozone treatment, are also explored. These treatments can enhance the compatibility and performance of natural cellulosic fibers in various applications. Characterization techniques for natural cellulosic fibers are reviewed, including mechanical properties testing (tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact strength), morphological analysis (scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)), and advanced techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the application of the Weibull distribution for analyzing the tensile strength of natural cellulosic fibers is discussed, providing valuable information on the fiber’s strength distribution and reliability. This review highlights the importance of comprehensive characterization methods in understanding the properties and potential applications of natural cellulosic fibers. The continued development of these techniques will be crucial for the advancement and commercialization of these sustainable materials as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional materials in a wide range of industries.
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Published 2023-06-06