Sustainable Green Composites
A Review of Mechanical Characterization, Morphological Studies, Chemical Treatments and their Processing Methods
Green composites, Bioplastics, Fibers, Mechanical properties, Chemical treatmentAbstract
Composites have a wide application in the modern world and have successfully replaced traditional engineering materials. Dependencies on composites are extensively increased due to the desire for material durability, high modulus, chemical inertness, flame retardance and thermal isolation. The emergence of new bio-based materials and technologies has taken on new dimensions, bringing with it the profound promise of sustainable development through green composites. Next-generation materials, such as green composites, offer their users a wide range of benefits. Although there are several scholarly articles available on the subject of green composites, the most common types of green composites are not covered in a single paper in the currently available literature. As a result, this article aims to give an overview of bio resin-based green composites so that the reader can better understand the mechanical properties, chemical treatment methods, and processing techniques associated with these composites.
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Accepted 2022-10-31
Published 2022-10-31