Leveraging Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions for Devising COVID-19 Control Strategies
COVID-19, Cultural dimensions, Hofstede's model, Cultural backgrounds, Pandemic handlingAbstract
The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused unprecedented global challenges, including significant socioeconomic disruptions and the closure of schools and universities in almost all countries. Understanding the role of culture in shaping individual and societal responses to the Pandemic is crucial. This review article examines the applicability of Hofstede's cultural dimensions framework in devising effective COVID-19 control strategies. The article provides an overview of each dimension and its impact on the implementation of COVID-19 control strategies. It also includes a case analysis of four countries - India, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Poland - to illustrate the interplay between culture and COVID-19 control strategies. The insights provided by Hofstede's framework and the case analysis demonstrate that cultural differences can significantly impact the success of COVID-19 control strategies. By taking these differences into account, governments and public health authorities can improve the effectiveness of their COVID-19 control measures.
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Accepted 2023-02-23
Published 2023-02-28