Impact Analysis of Work Culture and Transformation during COVID-19
A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
COVID-19, Employees, Organization, Work Culture, PandemicAbstract
Staff members use tried-and-true procedures when completing workplace visits, delivering services, and completing tasks for clients. However, the COVID-19 pandemic compelled employers to change the work styles of individual employees to ensure good communication, work-life balance, and flexibility for employees while maintaining optimal work productivity levels. In addition, the World Health Organization established social separation guidelines to combat COVID-19. The pandemic thus, challenged the work culture and also resulted in employees being quarantined in their homes. As a result of this transformation, employees were being encouraged to use digital tools to facilitate work-from-home opportunities. The current study aims to analyze employees' psychological and productive effects of work-from-home culture. It also looks for coworker bonding that is threatened by this transformation and suggests a way to keep it intact. Through a thorough review of the literature, the authors developed a comprehensive model to assess the pandemic's impact on employees' lifestyles. The conceptual model was empirically tested by applying the model to data collected from 233 employees from various backgrounds. The model result was validated using Partial Least Squares Methods- Structural Equation Modeling. The inferences highlight the factors influencing employee morale and work culture, as well as the parameters closely related to employee functioning in the organization that should not be affected.
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Accepted 2022-10-31
Published 2022-10-31