Editorial Comments: JCMM Volume 2 Issue 2


  • Ritesh Bhat Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India 576104; Issue Editor, Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, GADL, Jalalpur Mafi, Uttar Pradesh, India 231304
  • Nanjangud Subbarao Mohan Editor-in-Chef, Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, GADL, Jalalpur Mafi, Uttar Pradesh, India 231304; Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India 576104




Computers, Mechanical, Management


V. Rai and V. R. Chauhan, “Market Penetration through Digital Marketing: A Case Study of a Tractor Dealership During Covid-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, vol. 2, jun 2023.

B. Z. Hameed, M. M. Eraghi, M. K. Filli, S. Dash, S. Ibrahim, M. Chandrika, and S. Jajodia, “Mitigating Psychological Impacts of Quarantine During Pandemics: A Mini Review,” Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, vol. 2, jun 2023.

P. Gayathri, A. Dhavileswarapu, S. Ibrahim, R. Paul, and R. Gupta, “Exploring the Potential of VGG-16 Architecture for Accurate Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning,” Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, vol. 2, jun 2023.

B. Z. Hameed, A. Talyshinskii, N. Naik, S. Ibrahim, B. K. Somani, M. Shah, M. M. Eraghi, D. Prasad, M. K. Filli, N. S. Tatkar, P. Chlosta, and B. P. Rai, “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Lockdowns on the Mental and Physical Health of Urologists,” Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, vol. 2, jun 2023.

Y. Kaushik, S. Keawsawasvong, N. Sooriyaperakasam, U. Rathee, and N. Naik, “A Mini Review of Natural Cellulosic Fibers: Extraction, Treatment and Characterization Methods,” Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, vol. 2, jun 2023.




How to Cite

Bhat, R., & Mohan, N. S. (2023). Editorial Comments: JCMM Volume 2 Issue 2. Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, 2(2), 23059. https://doi.org/10.57159/gadl.jcmm.2.2.23059



Editorial Comments