Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Rural Public Sector Banks

An Empirical Analysis in Lucknow District, Uttar Pradesh, India




Rural Banking, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, SERVQUAL


In the rapidly evolving banking sector, understanding the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, particularly in rural public sector banks, is crucial. This research focuses on selected rural public sector banks in Lucknow District, Uttar Pradesh, India, investigating the dimensions of service quality and their impact on customer satisfaction. The study employs a quantitative research design, utilizing the SERVQUAL model for data collection and statistical analysis. Findings reveal that dimensions such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness and Empathy significantly influence customer satisfaction, with variations in their effects. The research highlights the importance of enhancing specific service quality factors to improve overall customer satisfaction and provides valuable insights for the rural banking sector. The study's outcomes shall guide targeted efforts in policy formulation, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of rural communities through enhanced public sector banking services.


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How to Cite

Prakash, V., & Singh, S. P. (2023). Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Rural Public Sector Banks: An Empirical Analysis in Lucknow District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, 2(3), 24–30.



Original Articles
Received 2023-07-29
Accepted 2023-08-09
Published 2023-08-31