Optimizing Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environments using Hybrid Swarm Optimization


  • Niraj Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das University. BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India 226028
  • Upasana Dugal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das University. BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India 226028
  • Akanksha Singh Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das University. BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India 226028




Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, Hybrid Swarm Optimization (HSO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Resource Utilization


Cloud computing has revolutionized the Information Technology (IT) landscape by offering on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources over the internet. Effective task scheduling is pivotal in optimizing resource utilization and enhancing the overall performance of cloud systems. Tasks are allocated to virtual machines (VMs) based on a server's workload capacity, aiming to minimize traffic congestion and waiting times. Although Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is currently the most effective algorithm for task scheduling in cloud environments, this study introduces a Hybrid Swarm Optimization (HSO) algorithm that combines the strengths of PSO and Salp Swarm Optimization (SSO). The proposed hybrid algorithm addresses the challenges associated with task scheduling in cloud computing. The performance of the HSO algorithm is evaluated using the CloudSim simulator and compared against traditional scheduling algorithms. Simulation results indicate that the hybrid PSO-SSO algorithm outperforms existing methods regarding makespan time, cloud throughput, and task execution efficiency. Consequently, the hybrid approach significantly improves resource utilization and overall system performance in cloud computing environments.


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How to Cite

Kumar, N., Dugal, U., & Singh, A. (2023). Optimizing Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environments using Hybrid Swarm Optimization. Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, 2(5), 08–13. https://doi.org/10.57159/gadl.jcmm.2.5.23076



Original Articles
Received 2023-07-20
Accepted 2023-09-01
Published 2023-10-31