The Role of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Enhancing Educational Experiences
A Mini-Review
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Educational Technology, Immersive Learning, Inclusive DesignAbstract
This mini-review explores the role of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in transforming education by making learning interactive, engaging and accessible. VR enhances comprehension by simplifying complex concepts, while AR creates immersive environments that foster critical thinking and retention. These technologies address diverse learning needs, making education more inclusive. However, their adoption faces challenges such as high costs, technical barriers, and skill gaps among educators. This article discusses strategies to overcome these obstacles, including the use of open source tools, improving infrastructure, and providing professional training. Future research should focus on affordable AR solutions, inclusive design, and evaluation of the long-term impact of these technologies. VR and AR are poised to become integral tools for modern education, creating dynamic and learner-centric environments.
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Accepted 2024-11-20
Published 2024-11-30